Goals are dreams with deadlines attached

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goals are dreams with deadlines attached.*

A former boss told me this quote when I worked in a medical sales and marketing position twenty years ago in sunny South Florida. It was, (still is), a dog eat dog business world in the wilds of South Florida, and I learned much from my time, not only about business, but life.

Lessons learned include-

We create our own reality. I've heard people say, "I'm too old, or too scared, not smart enough, coordinated, etc. and therefore can't do this schooling, sport, career, yoga, etc., blah, blah, blah, blah."
It's impossible to succeed at something, unless you are willing to take a risk. When other people would say, "Why?", ask yourself, "Why not?"

People don't care about how much you know, until they know how much you care.
Listening is an art and skill which needs to be practiced. Also, 85% of communication is non verbal, that is, facial expression, tone of voice, posture, etc. So much of life is just "paying attention".

Kindness always counts in measurable ways and medical research shows it helps the giver's health tremendously!

The trials and struggles I have been through, and continue with, are a part of who I am. It's a source of empathy and compassion. One goal I continue to work on daily is to be kind to myself, which can be quite frankly, the hardest thing to motivate for.

Please share any goals, dreams, and experiences, so that we may learn and support you.

Also, your loving thoughts, prayers, and wishes would most appreciated for our dear teammate, Tamy of 3Sides of Crazy.

Thank you sincerely, Martha @ A Sense of Humor is Essential
*Author unknown.

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