Tuesdays With Kris: The Kings Speech

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 31, 2011

This site is all about motivation... hence the title. Sometimes I wonder what is that driving force that  pulls us out of the mud? I just saw The Kings Speech on Sunday and got to thinking. I started wondering what was stopping me from achieving my goals...whatever they are! I'm not a King who can't deliver a speech and has to prepare his country for a potential war with Hitler (that's part of the film's plot). I'm not responsible for the world, a country, my state, or even the apartment building I rent in! So what is stopping me? Aha, the burning question. I think sometimes we can be that sticky mud that is holding us back. We look to blame other things... the weather, our job, other people... all things we can't control in the first place! But we can control ourselves I think... how? For starters a list always helps and I was inspired by Martha's Realtor Game too. Try and come outside your bubble and see how others see you. You may teach yourself how to move forward instead of holding back. Here are some ways that I like to remove myself to see the bigger picture.

1. Watch a movie. Clearly The Kings Speech hit a chord. Biopics are great. Don't they always seem to be about someone who had a really bad hand dealed to them and then they became a legend?
2. Make a list. Even the longest do-list gets crossed off quickly and the dust has been lifted.
3. Take a bath. Suds and warmth always calm the nerves.
4. Play with a pet. They don't ever judge... unless you scratch that one area that is their Achilles heel!
5. Take pictures. See what capturing beauty means to you. Use it as inspiration for wardrobe, decorating, and more!
6. Draw. Whether you have an ounce of Da Vinci in you or not, create a work of art and hang it up or print it onto greeting cards. Share your creativity to inspire it in others. Be proud of your work!
7. Get your hair done or buy new make-up. These are instant confidence boosters!
8. Talk to an old friend. With facebook, you are just a click away from an old chum. See what they are up to!
9. Read An Education... it's...educational.
10. Remember when you were 5 and ran around the house talking to your imaginary friend and you didn't care if people thought you were crazy? Heck, we didn't even know what crazy was at that age! Point is, do something childish in public and don't care what people think of you! Just look at them like they are crazy.... it's kind of amusing!

And if none of these work... curse like a King! (mind this clip if you don't like cursing... I must say this is pretty tastefully done! Great film.)

I hope this post found you all in good spirits. Keep on truckin'.

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