R & R for Sunday, January 2nd, 2010

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.
~John Boswell

R and R Tip # 30: Remember that NOTHING is all right!

We’ve become almost robotically programmed at this point to stay busy. But it’s OK to do nothing; to contemplate, dream, nap, doodle, stare out a window without a thought in your head. We’re not machines. We’re people. And lazy isn’t always as bad as we think.

If your yuletide has been filled with lots of hustle and bustle, you are probably ready for some quiet time. In short, you may be longing for a little time of silence and reflection. I read this little piece of advice not long ago and I think it's a valuable tip for all of us : Snow means Slow.

As I live in a part of the world where winters are white and snow is often present December through March and sometimes even April, I've learned that yes, we do travel slower when it snows. But not only should we drive slower, it's a time for everything to slow down. After the hectic holidays our bodies need some rest too.

Every winter we have what is known as SNOW Days here and the great thing about them is that the weather is so bad we are forced into do nothing days. The roads are so bad that they advise people to stay home and it's so cold outside we don't want to go out anyway. To have a day off to rest and relax for no special reason is a blessing.

We can stay in our pajamas if we want, curl up with a good book or pop some popcorn and watch a movie. Some of us snuggle up and just have a nice long nap too.

If you still your mind, you can hear your own heart. Take time to just sit down and, keeping your back straight but free, begin quieting your mind and your body by taking a few relaxing, deep breaths. Close your eyes if you wish. Center your awareness on what is within your heart.

Your body does need rest and relaxation. Remember to resolve to take the time to DO NOTHING! It is one of the best gifts you can give yourself in the new year. First and foremost we have to make it a priority to create some quiet time for ourselves. Any quiet time is healthy, important and relaxing. Give yourself a SNOW DAY. Relax, eat good food and don't forget to drink your water too.

We cannot be good for others if we are not first good to ourselves.

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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