R & R for Sunday, January 30th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 30, 2011

This Day
This day's going to be a good one.
I'm alive and well.

This day's going to be a fine one.
I'll sit and rest a spell.

This day's going to be a great one.
I don't have to go to work.

This day's going to be a swell one.
I got some coffee to perk.

This day's going to be a fun one.
My bills are paid on time.

This day's going to be the best one.
I got some words to rhyme.

This day's going to be a happy one.
I got my attitude in check.

This day's going to be a praising one.
I'll give that old devil a run for his money.

This day's going to be a dancing one.
My feet feel fancy free.

This day's going to be a one of a kind.
Cause it's my day and there's only one me.

Author Unknown

R and R TIP #34: Revivals come from survivals. Relaxation can reduce stress and help you enjoy a better quality of life.

Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear on your mind and body from the challenges and hassles of daily life

RELAXATION has many health benefits

Slowing your heart rate

Lowering blood pressure

Slowing your breathing rate

Increasing blood flow to major muscles

Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain

Improving concentration

Reducing anger and frustration

Boosting confidence to handle problems

Modern life often places excessive pressure on our minds and bodies. For this reason we may need to slow down and rest in order to heal deepl

Knowing the importance of relaxation and knowing when to Relax are vital for ensuring your ongoing health and well being, as well as restoring the passion and joy in your life. Too much stress can cause many actual physical ailments, including a stroke or a heart attack.

Learn that no matter what situation you are in, no matter your age, there are times that each one of us faces a stressful moment. This is part of living. Whether the stress evolves out of cramming to take a test or working two jobs to pay the bills, we become stressed. The main thing is learn to stop, sit down, and relax.

As we are almost finished with the first month of the new year, it is the time to look back. It is a good occasion to take lesson from the past and to make necessary changes, to change habits in order to make the forthcoming year a lot more promising.

In today's stressful life people are forgetting to enjoy life so let us start this New Year with a resolution to enjoy life more. On contrary to the hectic and nerve racking lifestyles of millions, The vow to enjoy life more instills freshness in life

Spending a little more time with the near and dear ones and sharing those priceless moments with immense passion is definitely the very first step to enjoy life more. To take pleasure from all the trifle and insignificant things not only controls the stress but at the same time is the cornerstone of enjoying life. Work is definitely important. However, it is not the only facet of life and therefore scheduling extra time for family, vacation, interests and hobbies helps to us to relax.

Enjoying life is not just to meet with friends or just a lazy relaxation but a more intense time to say no to stress. To enjoy life more is to experience the relaxation time to feel the quiet time which at the days end aids in being more productive yet stress free.

Life will be more enjoyable when you remember to take time for REST and RELAXATON.

See you all next Sunday!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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