Motivation Monday - Playing the Game

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 31, 2011

Last week I introduced The Realtor Game. Did anyone do the assignment for week one? There is really no rush, this is a game that can be played anytime, but if you want to get organized and start getting things done what better time than now to jump in and play along!

If you did do part one you have had a week to look over your list and think about things a bit.

This week we are going to spend some time sorting the list, outlining, prioritizing and setting some goals. Think about each item on your list and place them into categories - an example would be listing things by room or area then listing the things you can do yourself, things you need help with, and things you have to hire someone to do. How you organize your list is up to you. Once you have your list organized and prioritized let's get started. Let's try to begin with concentration on the most noticeable things other see when they enter our homes. Pick a project and get er done!

Photo credit - Google Images

My list is more of a book than a list! I'm playing this game at two different homes at once. I started this week by getting all the stuff I have already packed along with things I've purchased for the new house all stacked into one area. I have more boxes for packing stacked in another area. I have the living room and dining room all decluttered and packed - these are the areas I'm using to store everything that's packed and ready to go.

This week I will be working on finishing up a couple of the decluttering projects I've started on and to start sorting through the surface stuff - you know, the piles on our desks, in the entryway, etc. Just because I'm in the middle of packing and renovations doesn't mean we have to live in a disaster area while it's happening.

It's still going to be months before our actual move but getting as much of the decluttering, sorting, and packing done now as I can will prevent a bunch of junk being brought along with us.


Play along on the Realtor Game here at TMS, link up your posts on the sidebar at Show and Tell - and don't forget to link up to The Organizing Junkie's 52 Weeks of Organizing too!

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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