R & R for Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 9, 2011

R and R Tip #31: Refine your peace

This year I've seen a lot of people making their new year resolutions in the form of one word. My resolutions were 4 words: PEACE, HOPE, JOY and LOVE. I think that for the most part if we have one of these things in our lives, we do have them all. They all work together to balance out our lives and give us harmony in our souls.

I have learned that maintaining peace is important in order to maintain power in our lives. When we don’t have peace, we may very well be making a serious mistake.

We all try to perform balancing acts. Too much work is not a good thing and too much leisure is not a great thing either, but to have the better portion of each is what makes harmony happen.

My peaceful place is at the beach. I rarely get there except in my mind but taking a little trip there in the midst of a stressful day does worlds of good in restoring my inner peace. Did you know that fountains provide negative ions to the air just as the ocean does at the beach. You can get that same uplifting feeling from the fountains moving water right in your home.

A few years ago I purchased a simple little water fountain for my home and I love watching it and hearing the trickle of water when it is running too. Not only does this little found restore some peace it also is helping to put a little needed moisture into the air too. During the winter my house is very dry and this is one way I try to restore some balance in the humidity level at my house too.

There are also other ways to create harmony and peace in your life. Be sure to smile as often as possible. When you create the energy of joy by smiling, it will grow inside of you. When others see your smile, they smile. Smiling is a way for us to DO something to create peace and not feel helpless.

Peace comes from the inside. . Refine what brings peace to your life and use that method often. Remember to Breathe, to Smile, to hug, to hold, to create harmony in home and workplace, and most especially, LOVE. The love we hold for ourselves is the same love we hold for others and this brings us to PEACE!

We cannot be good for others if we cannot first be good to our selves.

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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