Motivation Monday - Happy New Year!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 3, 2011

Mondays are the day many of us like to get started when we have set new goals. With today being the first Monday of the New Year I'd like to wish all of you a great start to a motivated week and hope the motivation will continue throughout the year!

2010 was a really tough year for me, especially in the last few months of the year with my mother's illness and passing. I am heading into 2011 with a ton of challenges ahead. To start off, today will be my first day back to work after a 12 week leave of absence, this alone will be difficult to readjust to.

In addition I spent the last 6 weeks of 2010 cleaning out my mother's home - it was a huge challenge! Once I finally finished we started on some pretty extensive renovation. The hard part is that we are doing all the work ourselves, but we have a little help from friends...



My first goal for the New Year is getting all the renovation projects completed. My list goes on and on from there. I am taking things one goal at a time considering they are rather large ones. How about you? What are your goals to kick off this year?

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