Motivation Monday - The Realtor Game

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 24, 2011

Want to play a game today? It's a motivational game I made up years ago called the Realtor Game - at least I think I made it up, it's possible that I may have heard it somewhere else long ago (I don't want to steal anyone's thunder ;-)

Here's how to play - first grab a pad of paper and a pen. Take a walk or drive around the block. As you come back around approaching your home stop and look at it from the outside as if you've never seen it before. Act like you are a realtor or a buyer (or even worse your boss or mother in law) coming to see your home for the very first time. Now stop and jot down your thoughts, feelings and things that could be done that would give it more curb appeal - don't think about what you can afford to do, just write down everything from the little things to the big ones.

Next, walk all the way around the outside of your house. Again jot down what you are thinking, note any repairs or maintenance that needs to be done along with any other ideas you might have.

Of course if you live in a condo, townhouse or apartment you can skip those first two steps.

Now walk up to the front doors of your home. Notice how the entrance looks and makes you feel. Is it warm and welcoming? Notice how it feels and note the first things you see when walking through the front doors - continue taking notes about anything you are thinking about along the way.

Continue the "tour" of your home taking it slowly room by room, open the closets and cabinets along the way as realtors and buyers (and mother in laws) often do. Of course continue those notes on anything you see that should be taken care of, organized, renovated, or improved upon in anyway.

When you're finished you may very well have a whole new way of looking at your home if you have really taken a good hard look at things as if you were seeing them for the first time - we often get so adjusted to seeing our surroundings that we don't notice the same details others may see.

You don't have to do anything else for the Realtor Game for this week other than keeping that list where you can see it, and review it here and there throughout this week.

We'll play part 2 of the game next week right here on Motivation Monday!

If you are playing along with us how about taking a few photos along the way? Post them on your blog along with some of your thoughts and then come back here to link up on the right sidebar at TMS Show and Tell.

Here's to a Motivated Monday!

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