Thursdays With Linda:Bringing in the New Year

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 6, 2011



One week into the new year and how are you doing… We have Christmas almost all put away…


The Thank You cards and letters are ready to be written…


One task I kept up on in 2010 was the magazine basket… Keeping the basket sorted out each month with old magazines and catalogs going in the recyclable bin… and only current magazines and catalogs remaining… Here’s how it currently looks now in January…


Son3, hubby and I have now completed Son3’s Mission project… And it’s not due til January 14th…


January finds us still job hunting for hubby… He did have an interview right before New Years… not in his field but I told him it was just for practice… so when the important interview comes… and I continue to ask the never ending question: will I go back to management at my job or continue on as a co worker… we may have the answer to that question this month…


And after several months of indulgence, I am back on the task of losing weight… not that it is something you can just jump back into… I am finding I have to retrain my mind all over to accept the good habits again… Back to keeping a food journal in my blog, eating when hungry, no snacking, eating as one~I am only one person, no seconds, drinking lots of water~harder to do when it is so cold, still eating on the smallest plate and stay out of the kitchen~that’s where the food is~find things to do in all other parts of the house…

I gained 2-5lbs through the holidays depending on the weigh in day… My new goal is to lose 16lbs (includes the current weight gain) bringing my total weight loss to 41lbs…

What goals from last year have you carried over into the new year…

Happy New Year…

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