Oh where oh where has my Bloggy Mojo been?

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh where Oh where Has My Bloggy Mojo Been?

Oh where Oh where could it be?

With my time so short, and my To Do list so long,

Oh where Oh where could it be?

I have been so busy doing things for work, family, and home, I have had no time or pyschic energy to do any blogging. I miss my virtual playground and buddies, including you.

Well, that's changing today-
And I'm not going to beat myself over my slump.

We truly can be our own worst enemy, even when it comes to a hobby!

I need to remind myself how much I accomplish everyday, and that I make a meaningful positive difference, in ways great and small.

What have you been in a slump about lately?

Thank you so much, Martha @ A Sense of Humor is Essential (especially when it's updated!!)

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