Motivation Monday - Getting Organized!

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 9, 2011

Over this past weekend I joined The Organizing Junkie's 52 Week Organizing Challenge. This is also a perfect challenge for all of us here at TMS!

Here's a little excerpt from Laura, The Organizing Junkie...

"I’d like you to think about 52 organizing projects or habits that need to be done or developed around your home…dressers, drawers, closet, toys, paper, you name it.  Let’s do it!   Having a plan is a great first step!  Tackle one a week or more and then come on back here on Fridays and we’ll talk about it.  The highs and the lows.  No stringent timelines, no project too small, just good fun, sharing inspiration and motivating one another."

If you'd like to join in the organizing challenge over at Laura's place check out the initial post 52 Weeks of Organizing and 52 Weeks: #1 Where will you start?

With everything I have going on this year I'm going to need as much support and encouragement as I can get with all the renovations, projects, decluttering and organizing I have to do along the way. I want to go into my new home uncluttered and living by my "Live Simply ~ Live Well" motto. Instead of living in the current chaos I'm in - I have a long way to go!

Check out Laura's posts and leave me a comment to let me know if you are going to accept the challenge and play along with me!

Oh and by the way, I've reopened my blog MM's Missions for the 52 Weeks of Organizing. Follow me over there to watch as the magic happens along the road to organization this year.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday and may the Motivation continue all year long!

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