Motivating for Work, Home, Health, and Fun!

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's been busy here at the Sense of Humor is Essential stop on The Motivation Station line. I've been motivating for work, home, health, and family, and trying to find the balance in it all.

Work has been busy, not only with my usual patient care, but I have preparing to give a presentation to my fellow nurses on the topic of Cardiac Medications. If you want to learn about something, just prepare to teach it to someone else. It will be done remotely through a slide presentation and teleconference, so I hope no technology glitches or brain lapses!

I have been working a little each day and week on decluttering and realtor ready projects as described by Monday MarthaM.
Here's the Before of our garage pantry -

Here's the After, and yes, our boys like their carbs. I got great deals and stocked up following Mrs.Spock's money saving ideas of course!

I cleaned out the freezer in our refrigerator, and have been using up the meat and staples from our deep freezer. I have also been cleaning out clothes, toys, and books to get ready for our community yard sale next month. Our 15 y/o is helping to help raise funds for his Show Choir fees. Money can be quite motivating, especially for teens.

On the health and fitness front, I have completed my annual health screening which includes a cholesterol and blood sugar levels, waist, blood pressure, pulse, and weight check. The company offers health coaching to address any concerns including stress and diet. I had my annual eye exam and Boob Tortilla press, I mean mammogram. I am back into the gym routine of three times a week and take Zumba once a week which I love!

There have been lots of fun times too these last couple weeks including a birthday excursion for our 13 y/o son, his brother, and a few friends to Universal City Walk to go indoor parachuting at IFly Hollywood. They literally had a blast!

Our family also had a wonderful time at a Superbowl party and my husband cooked up a storm for the party, including homemade bruschetta with roasted tomatoes, chorizo filled dates wrapped with bacon, and crab cakes with horseradish cream. I so appreciate my husband's culinary expertise and passion!

Thank you so much for letting me share what we have been UP to, and please what's happening with you and yours?

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