Thursdays With Linda: Mopping and A Quiz…

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, February 17, 2011

"The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, but not so far that you break."

~Rick Hansen~

"Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines."

~Brian Tracy~


Son2 is having an After Birthday Get Together with his friends this weekend here at the house…

So besides the all important party planning and shopping for food…

I’m washing floors!

And I’ve been decluttering our shoes…


Above is an after shot of the ones left to wear

because the others are now in the bags below

to be donated…


What’s on your To Do List this week…

How about A Quiz: How Clean is my Home~|main|dl5|sec1_lnk3|169669

My results: You’re Just Right… Being middle of the road when it comes to cleaning is just fine but it wouldn’t kill you to try just a smidge harder. LOL!

Happy Mopping…

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