Tuesdays With Kris: A Letter From a Yogi

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 28, 2011

One of my favorite Yoga instructors in Erica Mather at Pure Yoga. She's very inspirational, but also very grounded and relatable. She's a yogi, but talks like your best friend.  Her zen feels obtainable. I subscribe to her newsletter and thought this one was worth sharing! Happy Tuesday!

Whew!  The Dark Night of the Soul,
otherwise known as "winter",
seems to be drawing to a close. 
The days are longer.  Have you noticed?

I'm taking a break from the New York Winter,
in Arizona, attending a business training,
and a medical Qi Gong training.

Part of laws of life's natural cycles
requires that you hibernate,
contemplate, and gather energy to grow,
and that's what I'm doing here:
getting some new information before
moving forward with Spring, both literally,
and figuratively. 
Have you done this for yourself recently?
When Spring arrives, you're ready for new growth,
sometimes in directions that are unexpected,
and ways that are always fresh.
In that vein, stay tuned for some new offerings from me.
In the meantime, consider some of the following:
Spring is a terrific season to refresh,
recommit to your New Years intents,
to plant the seeds of personal "upgrade" that you
wish to harvest come fall and winter.
Where do you see yourself then?
Spring farmer's markets offer
a host of new spring vegetables
March may still be a little light,
but come April and May, it's
rhubarb, asparagus and spring pea time! 
Eating seasonally supports the natural,
seasonal cycles of your own body, and in the spring,
your body wants to clean! 
These vegetables I mentioned
are natural detoxifiers. 
Spring is, of course, also a great time
to clean, literally!
Make your external environment
reflect your internal one.
I'm a ruthless de-clutterer.
Get rid of things you've not used in a year.
Give books to the library,
Donate old clothes. 
Throw open the doors and windows and air out your environment,
and feel how much lighter you feel internally.
Happy Spring to you!  It's almost here...
in Beauty,
I just love her attitude and think her message fits right in with us here! I'm still waiting patiently for spring. Come soon!!!

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