Motivation Monday - Following Through

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 13, 2011

We've all been very busy here at my house as well as all of us here at The Motivation Station working on our spring and lent goals and commitments. We all seem to be working on the same overall goals - cleansing our minds, bodies, spirits and surroundings.

I have stuck with my goals and commitments 100% and I can already feel a big difference in just 5 days! I have prepared wonderful healthy meals...

I've done my interval walks at the beach in some gorgeous Florida spring weather. I've done my weight workouts every other day in between and I've worked so hard at home decluttering, sorting, packing, scrubbing, donating, and tossing that I can say that I really can finally see the end of the tunnel. That's such a huge relief to me, it's been a long road.

We've been working hard at the other house too this week trying to get the renovations completed. I've been mostly the runner, lunch wagon, and clean up crew while my husband and oldest son have been doing the work this week which has giving me the time to work at home in between.

Overall it was a super busy week off work for me and not much time for fun or rest, but those beach walks, although exercise, are a time of peace and resting my mind and cleansing my spirit. In addition, with all the hard work I've done I've had no problem getting the proper rest at night either. It is all so satisfying!

By the way, I am still participating in the 52 Week Organizing Challenge. Check out my post over at MM's Missions showing just one of my many projects this past week. It's been very motivational and inspirational working with a great group over there on our organizing projects. Join our host Laura and the rest of us for some organizing fun!

Let the MOTIVATION be with you!

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