Motivation Monday - Spring has arrived!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 21, 2011

I am going full steam ahead with my spring goals and commitments. I wish you could have all been at my house yesterday to witness how I spent my first day of spring. I was a bit busy but not busy working for a change.

I got in a great weight workout, 2 miles on the beach in our gorgeous weather. I made a nice brunch for the family, gave myself a manicure, pedicure, facial and deep conditioning hair treatment. I took some time to read and relax before deciding to make the boys some goodies - chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate dipped bananas rolled in peanuts for the freezer. I made a delicious and healthy seafood boil for dinner, sauteed myself some of those beautiful veggies in the photo for my lunches for the next couple days, and spent the rest of my evening relaxing some more and off to bed early. I spent the day in a way I wish I could spend all my days, it was perfect!

How did you spend your first day of spring and how are you coming along with your goals and commitments?

As always wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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