Motivation Monday - Together we can do it!

Posted by Unknown on Monday, March 7, 2011

We've had all week to think about our spring commitments, it's time to set our goals and make those commitments!

It's a little more difficult for me this year than usual with so much going on. We're still in the middle of renovations, still decluttering and packing, still working at one house or the other for several hours a day after work and every weekend. I'm a little nervous about making too many commitments or going to extremes. As I mentioned last week what I commit to for lent is basically set in stone, there's no turning back and no excuses.

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” 
~ Mario Andretti

After a lot of thought I've decided I will make the commitment to give up alcohol as I always do. The rest I am setting as goals instead of commitments, I will make the commitment to do my very best  as far as reaching my goals is concerned, but just can't risk any slip ups otherwise during such a hectic time in my life when things are bound to get in the way matter how carefully I plan.

My additional goals are to workout 4-6 times a week. I want to do a 2-4 mile beach walk at least twice a week, if not more, even if I have to count it as my workout. The beach is my spiritual place, taking 20-30 minutes for a walk along the beach is my best therapy for body, mind, and soul.

I'm heading back to good clean eating within at least a 90% range - red meat no more than once a week and even then only very lean cuts, no ground beef. No deep fried foods, no soda or sweets. I will try to squeeze in fish once a week even though I really don't like it, and I want to try to incorporate at least 1-2 vegetarian dinners each week. I want to get back to having fresh fruit and/or yogurt for breakfasts, stick with vegetarian lunches, and remember to take my vitamins - I've been such a slacker lately!

One of my New Years goals was to take time to read at least a book a month. I love reading but usually just don't allow myself time for it - I use my reading time for reading blogs, but it's different than sitting down with a good book. I made it for January but that was it. I hope to catch up on that too.

We have until midnight tomorrow to set our goals and get down to business. Switching gears will be a bit difficult but I am really looking forward to it. I am way overdue for a period of time to cleanse my body, mind and spirit.

I have this week off for spring break. I'm really hoping to get caught up on the things that I haven't had time to get to and get my life back in control so I can dedicate the time that I need for myself over the 46 days of lent.

How about you, what are your goals and commitments?

Together we can do it!

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