R & R for Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!   ~Mark Twain

R and R Tip #41: A Remedy for Spring Fever

The calendar can't tell you when the first day of spring is. Your heart tells you. When the sun shines through the windows that are less than clean, the air is fresh outside and you want that fresh clean feeling on the inside you suddenly feel yourself coming down with a virus commonly know as 'Spring Fever'. It's a seasonal disease and one that attacks most of us this time of year.

By the calendar Spring does begin today and it is a blessing after a long cold and snowy winter. It is a time of birth and renewal. It's a time to celebrate. Having a party may just be the cure you need for that Spring Fever that has left your spirit sagging and feeling bogged down. Taking life too seriously all the time isn't good for our bodies or our souls. A little break to enjoy an annual ritual like the celebration of Spring gives you just the time you to need to get yourself back in balance.

I found myself in my rocking chair on the patio this past Thursday just sitting there basking in the sun. This is my favorite way to celebrate nice weather. After being in the house so long it was the perfect way for me to renew that tired out feeling you can get by just being inside too long.

Another way might be to go on a picnic. Sharing the nice weather with family and friends is a perfect way to get a lot of that much needed R and R that we all need. You might want to visit a local farmer’s market or grocery store to pick a bunch of daffodils to dress up the inside space at your house. Go outside barefoot and let the grass tickle your toes. Doctors say…the best cure for Spring fever is laughter!

Spring is nature's way of saying, Let's party! ~Robin Williams
Spring fever doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You certainly don’t have go to on spring break to enjoy all the season has to offer. Just make a point to enjoy the season before it melts into summer.

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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