R & R for Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 27, 2011

R and R tip #42: Relaxation is the Key

Author Unknown

1. Laugh more.
2. No perfectionism.
3. Control your anger.
4. Slow down.
5. Don't procrastinate.
6. Stop feeling guilty.
7. Let go of grudges.
8. Follow your dreams.
9. Pick your battles.
10. Work isn't worth.

11. Exercise.
12. Do less.
13. Turn off the TV.
14. Be with friends.
15. Make chores fun.
16. Go outside.
17. Eat better.
18. Take real vacations.
19. De-junk your home.
20. Get a pet.

21. Clear your desk.
22. Make a list.
23. Take breaks.
24. Avoid interruptions.
25. Go home on time.
26. Work less.
27. Ask questions.
28. Make your job fun.
29. Delegate.
30. Get more involved.

When I was reading the ideas above I noticed that 3 things really stood out in our attitudes, in our leisure and in our work . We should slow down, take real vacations, and take breaks. Every facet of our life truly needs to have some rest and relaxation in it. You can get more done and enjoy it more too if you follow the simple ideas in that list.

Anytime we are doing too much or too little of something, we are out of balance, even when we’re resting too much or not resting enough. I once felt that my whole life should be arranged around work. As long as I was working and accomplishing something, I didn’t feel the guilty. Work is a good thing, but I also needed to rest and have enjoyment

Key words like slow down, vacations, and breaks will help to keep us balanced and enjoying life.

See you all next Sunday!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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