Got Emergency Supplies?

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The recent headlines of natural disasters in Japan and New Zealand reminded me, it was time to restock and rotate my emergency water and supplies.

After growing up with tornadoes in Ohio, going through hurricanes in Florida, and Earthquakes in Los Angeles, you realize - It Can and Will Happen to you. Not just natural disasters, but also manmade disasters, like house fires, water main breaks, and electrical outages.

It is so important to create and regularly discuss an emergency plan with your family, including, who will be your phone contact person out of state to relay messages, and where you will meet in case of an evacuation. Many people forget these vital steps.

You also want to include contingencies for your pets and if you aren't home.

The front community section of your local phone book is a wonderful resource for additional emergency preparedness.

A little bit of planning and preparation go a long way towards peace of mind.

Have you updated your emergency supplies and plans lately? Thank you so much.

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