Thursdays With Linda: Spring Commitments

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, March 10, 2011

"You don't have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have a major impact on how your life works out in the next 90 days, let alone in the next 12 months or the next 3 years."

~Jim Rohn~


"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."

~Earl Nightingale~



This week we are selecting our Spring Commitments

My first goal is getting back to my weight loss… Last year I had lost 33lbs… and then winter and the holidays hit and I gained 8 back… I am happy to report that I am already 2lbs down… My goal for the next 40+ days is to lose the remaining 6 I gained plus 7 more for a total of 13lbs, giving me a total of 40lbs lost since May 2010…

In doing this my second goal will be exercise: walking, stair stepper, crunches and weight system… also portion control when eating, drinking water, pedometer and keeping a diary of what I eat…

My third goal will be forming daily habits of completing tasks around the house… not saving everything for my day off, only causing stress that I can’t get it all done in one day…

And my fourth and biggest goal that will enable me to get the above three goals accomplished will be less time on the computer, meaning Facebook games… Blogging will be my reward for accomplishing tasks, not games… The children are not allowed video games until their work is done, so neither should the Mom…

With the time change this weekend and Spring upon us, it’s a perfect time for starting anew, breaking out of our winter hibernation and being motivated…

And Spring also brings new possibilities, such as my possible job promotion and hubby’s upcoming interview and possible job…

So are you ready to start anew and join us in our Spring Commitments

A few projects I hope to accomplish in my daily tasks…

Areas I have walked past all winter that have gone untouched…


My desk has piled up again with papers galore…


Memory trunks that I have been wanting to explore and sort that are now a dump zone that needs addressing…


Items in the hall that were moved when son1 moved back home that are still in the hall now that he has moved back out…


Son3’s room needs a bit of attention since the toy sorting last year…


My dresser always seems to be a dump area for all things that need doing… and I never finished cleaning out my clothes closet nor giving the clothes I did clean out to Goodwill yet since losing weight… I have not missed anything in the bags so obviously they can go…


More memory tubs that need sorting through and downsizing now that the boys are all growing up…

Any projects you plan to do this Spring, please share with us by linking your blog entry to our Show and Tell in the sidebar…

Happy Spring…

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