Motivation Monday - 100 Things Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 23, 2012

Here it is Monday again!

I will say one thing - the hardest part is getting started. Once we take that step to start something it becomes easier immediately. This rule works with cleaning, decluttering, exercising, or any other changes we want to make or things that need to be done.

When I started my goal to to get rid of 100 things this month I imagined so much work to accomplish it, but once I got started I've had no problem getting rid of at least 100 things a week if not more.

Take the first step if you haven't already.  Do you have a junk drawer? If so, start there, you will be amazed at just how many items you can toss just from that one little drawer!

How many things can you part with this week?

Wishing you a Motivated Monday and a great week!

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