Motivation Monday

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 16, 2012

This week Motivation Monday caught me by surprise. I've been sick and having a three day weekend I just suddenly remembered today is Monday not Sunday, good thing I get up early!

As far as our "Get Rid of 100 Things Challenge", I was already above and beyond last week. How are you doing? Have you reached 100? No worries, there's still half the month left if you haven't started yet!

This week I haven't had any major progress, although I did sit down yesterday and go through a box of paperwork - shredded most, probably another 500 items added to the list if we count each one - or counted as only one since it was one box, but the time it took deserves more credit than one item don't you think? You know how that is!

This week I'm going to ask for motivation from you to help me decorate the beach house over at Minimalist in the Making.  Here are links to the three decorating ideas I've been thinking about - Beachy, Nautical or Colorful Tropical and here is the house as it looks now. I'd love your opinions.

Getting the rental home decorated will be fun and will also enable me to let go of all kinds of things I've been holding on to not knowing if I would be using them or not. This will be yet another huge decluttering step in my recent adventures!

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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