Thursdays With Linda

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 12, 2012



Hello Everybody!

I am Back… Sorry about missing you all last week…

The laptop and I both had a few medical issues that we had to attend to… The laptop had to have windows completely reinstalled and reformatted… On Tuesday Hubby took care of that and I spent eight hours yesterday updating Windows back to 2012… And last week I spent a couple of days at Kaiser attending to several doctor appointments… Mostly routine and a couple still pending with more visits to come… I have still been having trouble with my neck since the car accident last summer and then this past month I have been having pain and muscle spams in my right arm… So far the XRay has shown that I have a degenerative spine (arthritis in my neck)… Next will be an MRI to see if any discs are pinching the nerves…

I am using the 2011 Live Writer, so fancy. that I now have since updating the computer… Picture loading is a little different so will see how this looks once it posts…

We are 11 Days into the 2012 New Year… Seems longer but not even two weeks yet… Making me feel very accomplished…

And crossing two items off my New Years Resolution List already…

  • Lose Fifteen Pounds

  • Paint the Inside of the House

  • Keep in Better Touch with Friends and Family

  • Plan More Dates with Hubby

  • Clean up the Laundry Room

  • Clean up the Master Bedroom

  • Declutter the House One Drawer/Room at a Time

  • Clean out the Garage

  • Sort out the Boy’s Baby Storage Tubs

  • Sort through all my Cards and Letters

  • Update all the Filing and Finances

  • Make and Attend Doctor Appointments

  • Feel Accomplished


I have also been working on Martha’s 100 item challenge



I pulled all the DVD’s out of the entertainment center…


Hubby pulled all the VHS out of this bookcase…


Hubby and Son2 sorted all the DVD’s into categories…


After we sorted through all the VHS, 104 VHS went into the Goodwill bag and 31 DVD went too…


DVD’s back into the Entertainment Center by categories…


VHS now in the entertainment center as we don’t watch them as much… and they are slowly being replaced by DVD’s… DVD’s on the side panel by category…


DVD’s now in the bookcase by categories as they are smaller allowing more to fit and be more visible when deciding what to watch…



I also cleaned out the magazines and catalogs from the Christmas season… Total of 21 into the recyclable bin…


After photo of the magazine basket…

I also put 13 coffee mugs, 6 candle holders and 3 misc. items into the Goodwill bag… And 2 broken mugs and 1 toaster oven into the recyclable bin…

Bringing my total to.181 items purged for the challenge…

Now does the 1 toaster oven count as we brought a new toaster oven in… I’m loving my new toaster oven that we got for Christmas… Larger than our old one with many more features… It’s able to hold two loaf pans for making pumpkin bread… My requirement when we were shopping…




I’m also able to report at this time that hubby has taken down and put away all Christmas Decorations inside and outside…

How is your January going so far… Please share as we love hearing from you…

Happy January…

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