R & R for Sunday, January 1st, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 1, 2012

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits


R AND R TIP # 82:  A resolution that will make this year the best ever!

The beginning of every year brings in new hope and enthusiasm. We look forward to a new beginning and hope things to improve from the last year. We like to forget about our pasts and its daunting memories and wish for a new start.

If you are feeling compelled to do so much that you are physically worn out, remember, you have to come apart from a busy routine before you come apart yourself. You have to get away from everything before you come apart physically, mentally, and emotionally. Give yourself time to get a good night’s sleep.
It is tempting to do everything that everybody else is doing, be involved in everything, know everything, hear everything, and be everywhere, but it isn’t what is best for you.
Be willing to separate yourself from compulsive activity before you come apart at the seams.  Life is not meant to be a frenzied, desperate attempt to win acceptance by our performance.
Being content with who you are and what you have is one of the greatest ways to reduce stress that I've ever known.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right

Oprah Winfrey

Make deliberate choices about how you spend your time, so that you can have a balanced lifestyle. If you often feel stressed or hurried, this may be a good sign that you need some help with managing your lifestyle. A balanced lifestyle means having the time to choose doing the things you enjoy, rather than the things that you have to do!

Take the time to enjoy and do what matters most to you!  It’s a New Year’s Resolution that you CAN keep.

Keeping this New Year’s Resolution could make a huge influence in your life in a positive way which will surely make your new year that much better.

Enjoy your family, your home, and yourself today.

Happy New Year!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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