R & R for Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 8, 2012

Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that's a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.

Rob Reiner

R and R Tip # 83:  Relax and Let Go

Do you remember learning to float? The moment I chose to challenge my fear, truly relax, and let go was when I began to float. 

Sometimes you wonder how you are going to cope as demands continue to increases and you do not know where to start.  Chaos leads to anxiety and overwhelm.  And then you can not think clearly and panic sets in. And before you know it, more demands are piling up and you feel that you are sinking, maybe even drowning.

So you struggle to desperately paddle and kick with all your mights so you can stay afloat and not sink.  The harder you kick, the more tired you get, and the more desperate the whole situation gets. 

 There is no need for kicking and screaming, it does not get you anywhere except to further tire you out. 

Force yourself to pause, stop, and just be. Even if it’s just for a few moments, inside that calm space, beyond all your should's, to-do's and what-if's, where you can gather your thoughts, your strength, your senses, your priorities and your purpose. Inside stillness is a place in which you can float, chill out and hear yourself. You likely already know what you need and what comes next. Let yourself float and listen.

See and love each moment instead of what’s up ahead or behind. Stay right where you are and embrace the bright side, the upside, the half full, the wonder. Let go the weight of negativity. You are where you are. Love what you have and who you are. The rest will come.

Be ready to float for a while so that you can catch your breath and see where the ripples of life are leading you.

When you let go and create space,  you become lighter, and you can stay afloat with your challenges, worries and pressures. 

Enjoy the float, relax and let go,  it will be the pause that refreshes you today, tomorrow and all through the year!

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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