R & R for Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sundays, quiet islands on the tossing seas of life.
S.W. Duffield

R and R Tip #84:  Rest assured, you too can be clutter free

I've been deep cleaning around the house lately: donating old clothes and getting rid of any extras that have been unused for sometime. In order to create ease with our daily routine, I’ve been simplifying my home and life.  
Beyond physical clutter, most of us carry accumulated stuff with us each day – mentally.  The new year is a  good time to start getting rid of those extras too.
Sometimes we need to free our minds from the devils, hurry, worry and fear, in order to relax and live our lives to the fullest.  We crowd our mind with extras each day with harmful self talks, incessant worrying, attention comprising multi-tasking, and unnecessary busyness that can muffle the simplicity we could be experiencing right now.

When you mind is clutter free, you can sharpen your focus on the things you need to do.  It's important to reduce the mind clutter or you may not get anything done.  I've found few ways to organize the clutter of my mind and maximize the use of my time to what’s really important to me.  Try to free yourself from stress, relax and...

Take a walk or exercise. Step outside and walk, freeing your mind of any problems. Don’t think about where you’re going, just let your feet take you there as you enjoy the scenery.

Go near or in water. You can lie by the pool or walk by the beach, take a hot bath, or even soak your feet in a foot bath. Water has a calming effect.  Be consumed by it and try to relax. Taking a hot bath can help loosen your muscles and soothe you, especially if you put on some music and place candles around you. Foot baths can also work; add some flowers, like lavender petals, and relax. Take this time to pamper yourself and do not rush, or you will become more agitated.
Listen to some music. Put on some relaxing music, or your favorite songs, and simply sit in a chair listening to them. Do not start working; do not start cooking; just let your mind get swept away by the message and tune you are listening to.

Free you mind  and the rest will follow

 Just as with our physical world, we can begin to organize our inner environment by creating space.  We can begin to feel the simplicity of living each moment as it is meant to be.  We can freely bask in the awareness of being alive and our lives will be  happier and lighter

Being clutter free is essential to minds as well as our homes.

Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!


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