Motivation Monday - 100 Things Challenge

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 9, 2012

The first week of the "Get Rid of 100 Things Challenge" has come to an end. Don't worry if you haven't been playing along or haven't accomplished it yet, this challenge is for the entire month of January. There are still 3 weeks left to accomplish the mission!

I'm proud to say that I have gone above and beyond already. During the first few days I took well over 100 items to Goodwill - they were mostly the boys outgrown clothes, games and books that they no longer wanted, one box filled with throw pillows, several sets of sheets for a full size bed that we no longer have, and another box was just filled with miscellaneous items.

I've been so bad lately about taking photos of my progress. Once I start working I am going on high speed, I just don't think about it, and even if I did I just couldn't take the time to photograph each and every item (sorry Lydia). Someday when I have things a little more under control I will join 365 Less Things and then I will photograph everything leaving my home. Right now I just want the massive amounts of stuff out!

I do have one comparison photo to show from this week - a before and after at our vacation rental home. Mostly things were just moved around but I can guarantee at least another 10-20 items down for the challenge that went in the garbage or recycling...

A little decorating, a little more furniture exchanging, cleaning out the storage area, and we'll finally be ready for our first vacation renters!

I would love to hear about your progress this week. Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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