Motivation Monday - Challenges

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 30, 2012

Only two days left in January to get rid of 100 things. Have you reached the goal yet? I know you can do it! Let us know your progress.

This Wednesday will bring us into February, time for a new challenge!

I'm giving fair warning to tie up lose ends on projects and be ready to focus on ourselves for the month. Next Monday we will begin our focus on health and fitness. It doesn't mean we can't keep working on our other goals, it just means we will be putting ourselves first for the month. I know I personally really need this. I hope you will considering joining me.

Let's toss, toss, and toss some more today and tomorrow, and then start stretching, measuring, thinking and assessing what our goals will be for our February heath and fitness challenge.

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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