Motivation Monday - Take a look in the mirror

Posted by Unknown on Monday, April 18, 2011

We are winding down now with the last week of lent. I know I will continue to work on most of my goals especially since mine are all health and fitness related. Lent is always a great kick start for me.

Once Easter arrives the tourists in Florida will begin to pack up and go leaving me the uncrowded beaches that I enjoy so much. I've been doing my beach walks throughout lent but really looking forward to just spending some time relaxing on the beach too. Relaxing at the beach also means wearing a bathing suit - yikes, it sounds like a dirty word even thinking it!

I decided it was time to take a look in the mirror today -

You can upload a photo of yourself, put in your height and weight and it will calculate where you are right now. It has a sliding scale on the left to change for weight loss and weight gain and it changes your photo too! I took a screen shot so you can see exactly what it's all about.

I thought about uploading my own photo first but chickened out!

Check out, upload your photo and share if you'd like. I think it's a great tool whether it's kept private or shared. Of course sharing our goals is a great motivation for self accountability!

Before I forget - our winner of The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills In Half giveaway from last Monday is Ginger Girl from Out of My Ginger-Lovin' Mind. Congrats Ginger! Leave a comment with your email address and I'll be in touch later today.

Wishing you all a Motivated Monday and a great week!

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