R & R for Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, April 24, 2011

Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
Emily Kimbrough

R and R Tip #46: Release yourself from resentment

Harboring resentment wastes time and robs your energy. Holding grudges against another takes a tremendous amount of energy and slowly erodes your happiness. You have so many better things to do with your life, so don't waste a moment of it.
Instead, let your considerate and loving nature dominate thoughts and actions. You can choose how to live your life. Free yourself from resentment and you will regain all of your energy. Try it. You’ll feel great when you do!

Proven ways to get along better with EVERYONE:
  • Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 things:  Is it true?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary?
    • Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully.
    • Never miss the opportunity to compliment or say something encouraging to someone.
    • Refuse to talk negatively about others; don't gossip and don't listen to gossip.
    • Have a forgiving view of people. Believe that most people are doing the best they can.
    • Keep an open mind; discuss, but don't argue. It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.
    • Forget about counting to 10. Count to 1,000 before doing or saying anything that could make matters worse.
    • Let your virtues speak for themselves.
    • If someone criticizes you, see if there is any truth to what he is saying; if so, make changes. If there is no truth to the criticism, ignore it and live so that no one will believe the negative remark.
    • Cultivate your sense of humor; laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
    • Do not seek so much to be consoled, as to console; do not seek so much to be understood, as to understand; do not seek so much to be loved as to love.

    When you cleanse your mind and soul of grudges and negative thoughts, you make new room for positive emotions and joy. Let the energy you'll feel bursting through take it's place.

    RELAX and let it all go.

    Time is something we treasure and we need to all stop wasting that precious gift we've been given. The gift is called the present. More and more I've realized just how valuable each present moment is. The only thing we can control is what we do now. You cannot control what other people do. You did what you did, the past is the past. Leave it there.

    For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.  ~Author Unknown

    Relaxation makes way for many beautiful moments in our lives. Meditate or go for a walk...find a way to release that anger and move forward. Accepting what is, and the releasing the resentment through forgiving the past will make you ready to embrace the future with a REFRESHED body and mind.

    I wish you all a very Happy Easter!
    And I hope that you have a wonderful Sunday!

    See you all next week!
    Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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