Posted by Unknown on Friday, April 22, 2011

A heaping cup of happiness,
2 of love and caring,
1 of understanding,
1 of joyful sharing.

A level cup of wisdom,
1 of artful living,
1 of thoughtful insight, 
1 of selfless giving.

Mix ingredients together,
Toss in a little flair,
Serve to everyone you know
Topped with a tiny prayer.
~Author Unknown

Yes, gas prices are rising and yes the economy is still at war with itself, but after the year we've had, we've decided to take a vacation and go to hubby's family reunion camp out.  You know what that means?  Well it means packing to go across country and to go camping, so today I'm organizing the gear, the clothes and the family and that always creates a mess which also means it's time for a G.I.T!
For those of you who are somewhat new to TMS you may not know what a GIT Challenge is - GIT stands for Get It Together!

The idea with the GIT Challenge is to play catch up with whatever we need to get done. Just leave a comment saying you'll play along, minimize this post so you can easily come back to it throughout the day, stop what you are doing (meaning get off the computer and stop procrastinating!), take an hour right now to catch up on things you need to do and work as fast as you can!

Come back every hour or two and leave a comment with your progress. Check out what other participants have accomplished - all in the comment section, no blog hopping necessary. After updating, get back to work for another hour or so until you're done for the day. We always accomplish so much during these challenges!

Jump in anytime, there's no special time to start or finish. It's fun working together - join us!

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