R & R for Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, April 10, 2011

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind. ~Wayne Dyer 
R and R Tip # 44: Reflect on the importance of harmony in your life.

Our lives will always have the unexpected to deal with. Whether it is a major crisis or just a change to your routine, try not to spend all your energy in one area of your life. Keeping a balance can actually give you more energy and minimize the crisis. For the small things remember to stay flexible, for the big things, realize that it is temporary and try to keep your perspective.

Rest and sleep are essential to tackle imbalances in your life. Take time to set a sleep schedule and stick to it. You’ll find you can face everything better when you’re properly rested.

We often build up our lives in every area that we can tangibly see, but we ignore the unseen that is our spirit There actually is a space that is deep within you that is empty and longs for attention and filling. Don't ignore your spiritual person.

The Spring Equinox has been celebrated across cultures for 1000’s of years as a time when life is renewed, the energy of the sun, bringing with it new growth, new life and the new beginnings of spring. The day itself is also seen as one of balance and harmony; the Spring Equinox is only one of 2 days each year, where the sun spends an equal amount of time above and below the horizon. This brings a quality of balance and symmetry. To say this is a time of change for many is probably an understatement.

Spring reminds us of the beauty and perfection of nature and how it renews it's self each year. All things in nature are created to keep the balance that our world needs. Harmony in our lives is the balanced state where our emotions, mind and bodies are in tune with our intentions.

Spend some time away from your every day existence to focus on yourself, consider your goals and reflect on your life. A time to attain clarity, to find a renewed sense of direction and enthusiasm for life, and to achieve your own inner peace. Most of us are so involved with the tasks that must be accomplished by tomorrow that we miss the beauty of today. The loveliness all around us this time of year gets taken for granted. We rarely look up from our daily chores to appreciate the treasure in our environment.

When you start each day by having some quiet time, you can fill your mind and soul with calm. Reflect on the importance of harmony, serenity and balance in your life and you'll have more energy and tolerance for what lies ahead. And, you’ll be able to handle the unexpected with ease.
See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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