R and R for Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take the time to come home to yourself every day.
~ Robin Casarjian

R and R Tip #43: It's time to hit the reset button. Give yourself a fresh start!

We’ve come to learn that when our computer is throwing a fit, we need simply to hit the reset button and the computer shuts down and starts up again, otherwise known as rebooting. Often this procedure is enough to clear up whatever the error happens to be.
Hitting the reset button means taking a break from normal. If you have discovered your life has not been consistent with what your soul longs for then reset. If you just realized you have been trying to keep up with others, and you have not been keeping up with You, simply hit the Reset Button.

Thankfully, there are numerous ways for us to do this. By far the simplest one is for us to take a deep breath. Chances are that you get caught up in the outside world so much you have no time to reflect, turn inwards and evaluate the your inside world. Your inside world IS what matters.

One way to hit the reset button is to listen to soothing music. or meditation can be another way to revive yourself. You can do it even in as few as five minutes. Those five minutes can have a positive impact for many hours to come throughout the day. If it’s good enough for your computer to recharge with its reset button, it’s certainly good enough for you. Take a break from the normal today. Relax, get some rest and enjoy!

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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