R & R for Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, April 17, 2011

It is interesting that one of our popular greetings is Good morning. Somewhere along the way, someone realized that if we get started off right in the morning, we will have a good day.

R and R Tip #45: Rest and relaxation helps you to have a great morning, every morning.

No one plans on starting the day off on the wrong foot. The kind of morning we have can even set the pace for the whole day.  Not getting enough sleep and feeling tired in the morning can impact us all day. If you are getting enough sleep then you should wake up fairly easily when the alarm goes off.

Get up early enough so that you are not rushed and you can easily get everything done that you need to in the morning.

Eating breakfast, which also helps us to control weight, is definitely the right way to have a good morning.

Relax and take some time for yourself in the morning.  Take a few minutes to relax and do your own thing.  Read the newspaper or whatever else helps you to relax and refocus.

If you're not having a good morning, change something.

I hope that you have a wonderful Sunday!

See you all next week!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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