Thursdays With Linda: Spring Tasks…

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, April 28, 2011


How was everyone’s Easter… The Easter Bunny has come and gone… The decorations put away and the candy eaten…


Lots of Egg Salad Sandwiches to be eaten… What clever recipes do you make with your boiled eggs…


The kittens are growing every day… And getting into everything…


Need to make them a scratching post/cat tree for them to scratch and play on… We have a bit of carpet to cover some wood or a box of some sort…


The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming… Calling us outside to play and garden…


We are helping son3 with a diorama that it due May 20th…


I have many drawers, closets and piles to sort and declutter… I’m pondering where to start… What are you working on this week… May is coming, a whole month of tackling our to do lists….

IMG_0015Spring Commitments Update: 

My first goal is getting back to my weight loss… Last year I had lost 33lbs… and then winter and the holidays hit and I gained 8 back… I am happy to report that I am already 2lbs down… My goal for the next 40+ days is to lose the remaining 6 I gained plus 7 more for a total of 13lbs, giving me a total of 40lbs lost since May 2010…

I did not lose the 13lbs… I did lose the same 5lbs up and down all month… It is still my goal however to lose these 13lbs…

In doing this my second goal will be exercise: walking, stair stepper, crunches and weight system… also portion control when eating, drinking water, pedometer and keeping a diary of what I eat…

I did not exercise… With my new work schedule my daily walking went way down, nor have I been doing heavy labor at work of opening boxes… So adjusting my daily exercise is a must… also the battery in my pedometer died so must find a replacement battery… I have not been controlling portions very well nor keeping a diary…

My third goal will be forming daily habits of completing tasks around the house… not saving everything for my day off, only causing stress that I can’t get it all done in one day…

I did acquire a daily and weekly routine of tasks around the house…

And my fourth and biggest goal that will enable me to get the above three goals accomplished will be less time on the computer, meaning Facebook games… Blogging will be my reward for accomplishing tasks, not games… The children are not allowed video games until their work is done, so neither should the Mom…

I did not play Facebook games!!

I was not very committed to my Spring Commitments… I will go forward from here… Onward with the Motivation!

Happy Spring Cleaning…

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