A Star Thrower in all of us

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A much loved and adapted story by Loren Eisely from his anthology, The Star Thrower, tells of a man who combs the beaches after a large storm, looking for stranded starfish to return to the safety of the sea. A skeptic asks the man what impact can he make, being only one person, in the face of so much destruction. The man replies that, "The stars," he said, "throw well. One can help them."

After observing the man's efforts, the skeptic comes to realize that he too, is a "star thrower", and "He is not alone any longer. After us, there will be others...We were part of the rainbow...Perhaps far outward on the rim of space a genuine star was similarly seized and flung...For a moment, we cast on an infinite beach together beside an unknown hurler of suns... We had lost our way, I thought, but we had kept, some of us, the memory of the perfect circle of compassion from life to death and back to life again - the completion of the rainbow of existence".

What about you? What stars do you throw back into the cosmic sea to thrive?

Thank you so much, Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential

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