Thursdays With Linda: Halloween!!

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, November 4, 2010


Halloween was a success!


Son3 was supposed to walk along the fence scaring the trick or treaters but he only lasted a minute in his mask… he then gave out candy for a minute but then was distracted by his friend from next door… so eventually he was no longer in costume and off at his friend’s house playing…


The front yard fully decorated…



The werewolf chained to the trees… Many remembered son2 dressed as the werewolf last year and were poking it to check if it was real or not… They also took pictures with the werewolf…




To see slide shows of all our Halloween pictures visit me at Finding Footprints in the Sand

And please share your pictures with us by linking up to TMS Show and Tell…


Star of the show: son2 as the scarecrow… Many thought he wasn’t real, just part of the yard decorations and some didn’t even see him until their friends pointed him out… Many were scared as he stepped down off the post and just as amazed as he stepped back on the post, even though they had just seen him move, he didn’t look real… He posed in many pictures and high fived a lot of kids…


We had our first trick or treater about 6:35pm although we were ready at 5pm… Only about a third of the number of people compared to last year… so maybe a 100 if that… it was a Sunday though and a school night… from 8-8:30 we had no trick or treaters so we started cleaning up, bringing everything into the house and garage… our last trick or treater was at 8:40pm… I still have lots of pencils and treats left over for next year…



Does son2 look scary in the dark…


Now I am left with this mountain of laundry from the Halloween figures and their stuffing…

Hubby had the front yard cleared of Halloween and put away on Monday and Tuesday, even taking down the fence… On Wednesday he helped me pack up all the inside decorations and figures… I did about five or six loads of laundry allowing all the figure parts to be boxed away… I still have all the towels, sheets and blankets that I used as stuffing to wash this week… 

However the Thanksgiving decorations are up already………

See you next week as we celebrate November’s blessings and get ready for Thanksgiving…

Happy Holidays…

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