Tuesdays With Kris: Hereafter

Posted by Unknown on Monday, November 1, 2010

Hey all, Kris from Behold the Metatron. Aside from being a food lover I also love films. Old, new, and the in-between that are so bad they are brilliant! On Halloween, I saw the new Clint Eastwood/Matt Damon film Hereafter. A bit more fitting than you'd first think for a film on Halloween, since it was about the afterlife and Halloween is technically derived from Samhain, a day when we honor our ancestors. But I digress, now for the review!

Hereafter is long and a bit tiring at times. There are themes for sure, the mains being how death creates loneliness and haunts us, and  it's about believing in faith (whatever yours is) and the afterlife... but I think what made this film motivating was Matt Damon's performance especially, and the other actors. Some are calling it lackluster but I thought that it was perfection. He was quiet, subtle, and so normal. Not what you'd expect from an actor playing a psychic, right? The film was rather beautiful in it's story telling too. You knew where it was going, but the characters were just so moving and heartbreaking and real. To show these people all over the world suffering from similar hardships and feeling the same emotions was something that made me feel close to these characters. 

In a shocking revelation at the beginning (shocking for me, but this is not really a spoiler), we learned that one of the smaller character's wives died from Multiple Sclerosis and the husband took care of her for years. I was sitting next to my father cringing at this scene because my mother, his wife, died as well from MS, he took care of her for years, and here we were in the theater reliving our lives from a fictional character. Lines like, "she's sorry for all of the years you took care of her." Unbelievable, I felt like Clint was going to pop out from under my seat or something. I was being punked, right? But what I am trying to get at is that this movie also taught me that we are not alone. Everyone suffers, everyone is connected in some way. To repeat, we aren't alone. No matter what happens to you, there will always be someone there in person or in spirit to guide you out of the storm. 

Bottom line: You can wait for it to come out on Netflix if you wish, but this is still a must see!


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