R & R for Sunday, November 14th, 2010

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, November 14, 2010

R and R Tip #23: Ready yourself for a new week.

One thing I always have done on the weekend is to make sure I've got everything ready for Monday morning. When we have our laundry done, clothes pressed and laid out, groceries in the cupboard and food in the fridge, the week ahead sure does go a lot smoother.

If I want have healthier food options without sacrificing time on weeknights and mornings, I often prepare meals on Saturday or Sunday. I love having leftovers to use for another meal or even an extra casserole in the freezer that is ready just to take out and heat up.

Granted, this will take an hour or so out of the weekend, but it won't take any time during the week. Just prepare the meals, place them in some Tupperware, and put them in the fridge. Food that expires quickly is not the best option, but if proper precautions are taken, it won't spoil or even turn bad.

On Saturday or Sunday, I take about an hour to assemble an outfit for each day of the week. Some people like to set their clothes out the night before, but I always do a weeks worth. I have one of those over the door hangers that allows me to hang up what I'm going to be wearing.

Another thing that helps when you have to go off to work is to pack a lunch the night before. Eating out a lunch time gets to be very expensive and besides that what you pack is usually a lot healthier eating too.

If you have a family it also helps to have their clothing ready and lunches packed too. Of course if your children are old enough they can do it for themselves. You just have to make sure that they know it is their job. You've already done the shopping and the laundry, so they just need to put it together. Having things done the night before always makes for a smoother start in the morning.

Get more than enough sleep. The problem with getting enough sleep is that I always misjudge and that usually means I go to bed way too late Sunday night. We should aim for more than enough sleep and wake up rested and refreshed Monday morning.

When we prepare everything early, usually on the weekend when one isn't pressed for time we set our selves us for a really good week. 
 I don't know about you but for me Rest and Relaxation is a whole lot easier to find when you are READY for what lies ahead.
See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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