Giving Thanks...

Posted by Unknown on Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving is this week and I always like to really sit back and think of what I am thankful for. It seems cliche, maybe trivial, but it's really the only way to visualize what we have and realize that we have it pretty good.

Good things and bad things happen all the time but I have to count my blessing and be thankful for:

... the roof over my head.
... the boyfriend that makes me laugh the moment I get home, fall asleep, and wake up.
... my father who supports me so that I can achieve my dreams.
... for my job, for no matter how it makes things difficult it pays rent and puts food on the table.
... my cat Martin for being my best friend.
... my legs, for being able to get me to where I need to go everyday. I am working to make you stronger!
... the sun, and it's energy.
... certain friends of mine, for listening and being interesting.
... my blog friends, for sharing insight and creativity.
... America, no matter how much I complain about you I know how important my rights are here and how in many places it just would not be so.
... the printed word. I love getting more information. A brain (unlike a tummy) can never be too full!

What are you thankful for? Go ahead and write it down!

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