R & R for Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, November 7, 2010

Learn to stand back and let others take their turn as leaders. There will always be new opportunities for you to step out in front again.
Sit in the dark. It will teach you to see and hear, taste and smell.
Pet a furry friend. You will give and get the gift of now.
Take a day off alone; make a retreat.
You can learn from monks and hermits without becoming one.
Direct your life with purposeful choices, not with speed
and efficiency. The best musician is one who plays with
expression and meaning, not the one who finishes first.
Take time to read . . . the Bible, poetry, great books.
Thoughtful reading is enriching reading.
Take time to wonder. Without wonder, life is merely existence.
Work with your hands. It frees the mind.
Once in awhile, turn down the lights, the throttle, the invitations. 
Less really can be more.
Let go. Nothing is usually the hardest thing to do. . . 
...but often it is the best.
Take a walk. . . but don't go anywhere. If you walk
just to get somewhere, you sacrifice the walking.
When things are in chaos and you are in a frenzy,
ask yourself: What is right about now? Chances
are, you already know what is wrong.
author unknown
R and R Tip # 22: Retreat and Reconnect, get grounded, and BREATH.

A retreat is a place to come away from the hectic schedule of our everyday life and reconnect with one's own innermost being. And in the Fall and Winter we are provided many opportunities for us to gather for fellowship and to have our spirits regenerated

Fall is a time when nature is slowing down, to pause and to rest. We need to do that too. Periods when you completely relax and retreat, removing yourself from everyday affairs, are especially beneficial. It's good for your health and has no harmful side effects

Sometimes we just have to look out for ourselves. Many of us feel it is wrong to put ourselves at the center of our life We tend take care of others first. But to really take care of yourself, you have to think of yourself first.

Working nonstop for 10 hours, taking care of other people, leaves you so spent and weary that there really isn't much left of yourself. That is when the best thing you can do is just sit down and breath. In as little as 5 minutes you can feel calmer and more relaxed. I've discovered when I took a little time out for me, I didn’t feel quite so exhausted the next day

Let’s face it; most of us are over-stimulated and over-scheduled, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This can cause stress, and stress is the cause of many other problems. We need unplug and unwind and take a break even if it's only for a few minutes a day. It's like a mini vacation. Not surprisingly taking a break from the fast pace of our lives can actually improve our physical and mental health, our relationships, and our ability to make better choices.

Cherishing yourself by making yourself a priority in your own life is possible. When you take care of your needs you'll find your relationships with family and friends can thrive.

Each demand on our time and talents drains a little more energy from our Eveready battery, sometimes leaving us wounded or at least wondering, How did I get here? Retreat and treat yourself to some quality times so that you can relax and enjoy life as it was meant to be.

See you all next Sunday!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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