An Exercise in Gratitude for the Other 364 Days

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I read a wonderful article in the Wall Street Journal today, "Thank you. No Thank you.", that described the many physical, pyschological, and sociological benefits of practicing sincere and mindful gratitude for those of all ages.

There were many appreciation exercises described including keeping a gratitude journal, making a list like Kris shared Tuesday, or expressing appreciation with a personal visit.

Other techniques to develop gratitude included being accountable to a friend to share gratitude lists, reflect on good times with stories and photos, and to be mindful of any negative inner self talk towards others and yourself, which can really lower your mood.

I am engaged by this Buddhist self reflection exercise that asks us to ponder daily -
"What have I given to?

What have I received?

What trouble did I cause?"

So in the spirit of mindfullness and deep heartfelt appreciation for the gifts each of you so abundantly possess and generously share, Thank You.

May your blessings be many, and your troubles few.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential

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