Essential Oils in the Home

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love using essential oils and other natural aromatherapeutics to help our home smell fresh without the cost and irritation of some fragrances.

Here is a picture of some of my household helpers including fresh lemons and lemon essential oil. The smell of lemons is stimulating, and a few drops of lemon oil in your sink, trash can, and garbage disposal can keep your kitchen smelling clean, even on fried fish night. Well, maybe not completely, but it will be a BIG Help. (Orange essential oil can also be used with equally great results.)

Another essential oil is Lavender, which can be used in the bath or laundry. It is soothing and calming as a fragrance and a natural moisturizer for the skin. You can add a few drops to your favorite lotion too.

Rose oil is also a sensory treat for the skin, when used in the bath or mixed with body oil or lotion.

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that doesn't impair healing of new skin. It can be used to cleanse wounds without burning and reduce the redness of acne outbreaks. I also use it to disinfect tweezers and bandage scissors being sure to wipe the tools dry afterwards.

During the winter months, when I don't have time to bake, but I crave coziness, I will put a few whole cloves and a cinnamon stick into a pan of simmering water. It makes the whole house smell delightful.

And of course, fresh flowers from the garden brighten up any room with their color and lovely smell too.

What fragrances or essential oils do you enjoy? Thank you so much.

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