R and R for Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let your thinking and doing be equal, for only then will you be said to be a powerful soul who has will-power...

R AND R TIP # 50: Relax and enjoy those peaceful moments

Peaceful moments in our lives are like precious rare jewels that need to be appreciated, remembered and cherished.

I read a story about a Sufi master who once set himself up at a crossroads. He lit a very bright lamp and a distance away, a candle. Then he sat by the candle and read his book. People watching him were confused. Why didn't he read by the bright light? The bright lamp, he explained, attracted all the moths, leaving him to read in peace! In the world we live in today we are like the moth attracted to the bright light. There are many distractions and so many things to do.

Often we're trying to keep up, the pace is hectic and we often miss out on the quiet and peaceful moments that pass us by. These quiet moments are represented by the candle in our story. They may not make the headlines or be the brightest of lights but it is often a good place to be

Pull out your calendar and mark some time off, just for you. Do it, even if it’s only 30-minutes every few days. Consider this time an investment in your emotional health and wellness. Enjoy it without guilt, no ifs, ands or buts. This is time to give back to yourself!

If you want your life to be something other than it is right now, your only true option is change.
Listen and remember. Those beautiful intimate moments of peace will softly and gently lead you to a more satisfying, fulfilling, joyful and purposeful life.

See you all next week!
Love, Live, Laugh and Be Happy!

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