Thursdays With Linda: Creativity

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sometimes imagination pounces; mostly it sleeps soundly in the corner, purring.  ~Terri Guillemets

To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.  ~George Kneller


The first part of the walkway is cemented…


Son1 brought these home from work for free… They are the tubes that the wire is stored on… Remember back in the day when they would make great end tables or backyard patio set…


What do you think we can make with them…


Perhaps a Cat Tower…


They seem to approve…


We have just a bit of rug to cover them… As we stack and secure them together, we can leave the existing holes showing and attach cat toys to them… Or cut the holes larger so they have places to crawl in and out…


Son3 has finished his Diorama on Heat Wave by Helen Ketteman… His favorite part was when the corn field got so hot that the corn started popping into popcorn… and the cows were so hot that they made butter… so the family filled up the truck with buttered flavor popcorn and sold it at the Drive In movie…


And sharing a picture that Son2 drew/colored in art class…

What have you done creatively this month… Share in the comment section or link an entry from your blog in our Show and Tell on the sidebar…

Happy Creativity…


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