Thursdays With Linda: Around The House

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

~Mark Twain~

My posting plan this week was hopefully to tell you that hubby got a Job… As he was scheduled for a second interview this week… However there was an illness, the interview was cancelled and so a call will be coming today to reschedule the interview…

In the meanwhile I will share what we have been doing around the house this week…


Son1 and Son2 have put up the last side of the fence around the front yard… Son1’s Mother Day present to me…


A view of all three sides…


We are probably going to leave this side open as we have sections in the lawn that the city needs to get to sometimes… Although Son1 suggested a gate door style of Saloon swinging doors…


Son1 and his friend leveled out the area next to the driveway from where hubby removed all the rocks and pavers that had become a dangerous tripping walkway…


And they are now preparing it to be cemented…


The kittens are so curious, playful and getting into everything… So I looked online for a Cat Tree of some sort… They run to the upwards of $300…


So a leftover roll of carpet, some boxes and cat toys…


And TaDa! They Love It! In, Over, Under, Around… Running, Leaping and Wrestling…


I’ve also raged war on the gnats that have been in the house for the last couple of years… I did some research online and…

Step One~Stop over watering the plants… So the most infested plants have been outside for a few days drying out…

Step Two~Water plants lightly with a bit of dish soap added to the water…

I have a spray bottle that I use to spritz the kittens when they get into the plants so now I will also be battling gnats too…

Step Three~Cut up a raw potatoe and place wedges into the dirt to attract the babies that are born… I’m kind of Ew on this part as you have to dicard the wedges every couple of days with the babies in them, so I will see if the soap and dryer dirt will do the trick first…


And Just sharing my manicure that Son1’s Girlfriend did for me for Mother’s Day…

Happy Thursday…

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