Time and $$ Savings Beauty Tips

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thank you all so much for your kind words and support for my post last week, I appreciate it very much. I have learned that if I take some time on my outside appearance, I feel better on the inside. Today, I thought it would be fun to share some time and money saving beauty products and tips, including some from professional makeup artists.

Here's my best female ogre imitation with my weekly application of a facial mask, this one is from Lush Stores, an organic based skin care line. Taking good care of your skin with gentle cleansing, moisturizing, and sunscreen is crucial, and no amount of make up or war paint is going to cover up bad skin. According to many skin care professionals, many people wash their face Too Much, (which strips the protective acid mantle and causes a sting or tightening feeling), and use sunblock Too Little.

One of my favorite facial sunblocks is by Garnier that has a high SPF, and doesn't burn the skin or eyes. I also like Aveeno and Banana Boat for Faces sunblock which are less than $10 and don't cause breakouts. (Acne is not attractive at any age, especially pushing 50 years old!)

After sunblock, I prep my problem areas with L'Oreal's Studio Secrets perfecting base which minimizes my pores and fine lines, and works with any skin tone.

For my eyes, I love Paula Dorf's Enhancer Baby Eyes liner which looks incredible when placed on the inner lower eye lid, it really brightens any color of eye or shadow, skin color too.

A fun eyeshadow is L'Oreal's "Pure Silver" single which is subtle and can be layered for day or night.

I consider myself an expert on mascara, and Maybelline's The Falsies mascara delivers the goods without "raccoon eyes".

I am putting on my best face today as I am looking forward to having lunch with dear Tamy of 3 Sides of Crazy!! Can't wait!!

Please share any make up tips, products, or tools that help you look and feel your best. Thank you so much.

Disclaimer- I have received no financial compensation for this post, the products were purchased with my own hard earned money, and the opinions expressed herein are my own. But if any of those nice companies want to send some free goodies to me or our readers to sample, that would be fine too. ;o)

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