Getting It Together, Together

Posted by Unknown on Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Saturday, and Welcome to our Motivation Station GIT Challenge, where the "GIT" stands for GET IT TOGETHER! Our key is to work together on achieving some goals, whether household, fitness, volunteer, or family related. Whatever you want or need to go GIT, is the order of this challenge.

Please comment on what you hope to accomplish, and what you've been able to get done. The motivation, energy, and sharing inspires us all. No blog hopping necessary, just come on back and update us with your progress in the comment section.

Also, please let us know what challenges or barriers you encounter, so that we might be able to help support and learn from each other.

I started my "GIT" yesterday on my so called day off. I did two loads of laundry, dealt with painters to repair a wall patch, ran errands, and spent literally hours updating the financial reports for my son's Show Choir Escrip program. I volunteered for this task from a previous Show Choir parent whose daughter recently graduated. This other mom had not updated the records for 5 months! What a mess I encountered, and I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that this is caught up, and that moving forward, it will be done on time.

Today, I am going to our youngest son's early AM soccer game, then off to do a Zumba class at the gym for a total of three Zumba classes this week, in addition to circuit training and walking.

How about you? What do you have "GITTING" on this fine Saturday?

Thank you so much!

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