Motivation Monday - Changes

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's back to school time today. That means back to the daily grind and the regular schedules. We have to say goodbye to the freedom of summer and get down to business for another year. This insures lots of changes, busy times, and desperately trying to keep some kind of balance in our lives along the way.

In addition to the changes coming with back to school time, we are also making some changes here at The Motivation Station. We're opening things up to add additional team members! We currently have seven members each posting once a week, but it's become a struggle for some of us to keep up with the demands of having to have a post up at a certain day and time.

We've decided to just post randomly instead of on certain days. Tamy has graciously offered to continue our GIT Challenges every Saturday, and some other members may continue to post on their set days too, but it's totally without obligation.

We'd like to invite anyone interested to join us! Just send an email to if you'd like to be added as one of our team members. It doesn't matter if you have something motivational to add or if you are seeking help to get motivated yourself. There will be no commitments for any mandatory topics or posts, that will be up to you. Join us won't you?

Wishing you a Motivated Monday!

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